Captain Restless

Captain Restless
The training ground for the struggle against
evil cosmic forces over this present darkness --

A graphic novel in progress

Friday, July 27, 2012


     There are three sources of demonic intrusion into our lives.  They are 1) our own sinful nature which conforms to the ways of Satan and the demonic; 2) the world, or the cultures in which we live, which are set up, controlled, and inspired by Satan and the demonic; 3) direct transferrence of thoughts into our minds by demonic spirits.

     Demonic spirits know our individual moral weaknesses, and also where our faith is weak.  By simply "dropping" thoughts or suggestions into our minds that are consistant with the personal weaknesses of our sinful nature and desires, they can lead or inspire us to sin or to keep returning to sinful habits and addictive behavior.

     In short, demonic spirits work by bringing up the nasty stuff that's still deep down within us until our death and resurrection.

     Whatever the source of inspiration to sin, it is essential to resist every temptation.  In doing so the "devil," if present, will flee.   By resisting temptations, one by one, we act out our love and devotion to Christ, proving that our desire for him is greater than our desire for the empty pleasures of sin. 

     Resisting temptation is part of what it means to deny ourselves for the sake of following Jesus.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Irony of the Demonic

     Many people believe that demons are real; many believe they are not and that those who do believe in their reality are simple-minded and superstitious.

      The irony of the demonic (a term I use for evil spirits and their activity in the spirit realm and the physical world) is that those who are most influenced by them are the least aware of them, because they don't believe they exist.  Even mediums who knowingly interact with spirits are unaware that they are dealing with demons, although they do aknowledge that evil spirits exist.

     Also, religious people who believe in the reality of the demonic and talk openly about them can be completely unware of their presence, influence, and intrusion into their minds, relationships, health, and lives in general. 

That, of course, is the way demonic spirits want it. 

Ignorance of their presence is their sadistic bliss.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012



     By the example of Jesus, Paul and the other apostles, the Christian life is not meant to be one of ease.  It requires that we "stay alert and be persistant in our prayers for all believers everywhere," for they are experiencing the same battles we are. 

     There is a reason that the kingdom of heaven has been described as a place of rest.  It is because the life of a follower of Jesus in this world is filled with spiritual struggle, in fact, warfare.  It is a warfare that is fought by being clothed with Christ and the armor of God.  It is fought by being focused daily on remaining faithful to God's way of love, obedience, self-sacrifice, and righteous living. It is a relentless desire for holiness, not just in moral thought and behavior, but in being seperated from the world in order to live and work fully for God and his kingdom; in order to be fully empowered and used by him for whatever his purpose for us is.

     This is spiritual warfare.  It is a daily part of every believer's life.  It is real, and is one reason Paul called us to live soberly.  As long as Christ Jesus is our focus, the one we actively desire above all others and all things, we will win our daily struggle against the principalities and powers that are working in the spirit realms and physical world against us.

Sunday, July 15, 2012



     The armor of God is the armor of God, it's of him.  You could say that the armor we put on each day is God himself.   As Paul said, we are to put off the old nature and put on the new -- to clothe ourselves with Christ.  We clothe ourselves in the armor of God himself: his truth, his righteousness, his peace, his faith he gives to us, his salvation, his Word -- our sword of the Holy Spirit.

     With this armor of God we are able to resist the enemy's attacks,  if we are aware of the enemy's presence and what he is trying to do in us and around us.  If we are oblivious to the activity of the enemy, regardless of what we say to others about his reality, we may be taken for a long, serious, and sometimes deadly ride -- deadly in the sense of losing our faith.  On the way to destroying our faith, demonic spirits want to destroy our inner well being, our relationships, our physical health, and our calling and function within the body of Christ and in society.

     We will be able to resist the enemy if we love Christ more than anyone or anything, and put him before ourselves; if we desire holiness and righteousness more than the pleasures of sin; if we will deny ourselves and carry the cross that Jesus gives us; if we will give up our lives so as to gain our lives.