Captain Restless

Captain Restless
The training ground for the struggle against
evil cosmic forces over this present darkness --

A graphic novel in progress

Friday, September 7, 2012


     Working in a large Evangelical seminary, I'm surrounded by theological and cultural sophistication, a campus culture of "cool."  There is little discussion of Satan or the demonic, because while most professors and students will acknowledge their existence, not many seem to live or at least pray as though they are real.
     The old gospel song below is an unsophisticated expression of an ancient and simple truth, and how by faith in Christ we may live each day in victory over the enemy; but it's a victory that requires alertness, effort, and committment.  We aren't spared the devil just because we believe in Christ.

Adapted from the original text by Charlotte Elliott, 1836.
Christian, do not seek repose,
Cast your dreams of ease away,
You are in the midst of foes:
Watch and pray.
Wicked forces, evil powers,
Gather in unseen array,
They wait for your unguarded hours:
Watch and pray.
Put your heavenly armor on,
Wear it always night and day;
To defeat the evil one:
Watch and pray.
Hear, above all, hear your Lord,
Love him, serve him, and obey,
Treasure in your heart his word:
Watch and pray.
Watch, as if on that alone
Hung the issue of the day;
Pray, that victory shall be won:
Watch and pray.
