Captain Restless

Captain Restless
The training ground for the struggle against
evil cosmic forces over this present darkness --

A graphic novel in progress

Wednesday, December 3, 2014



We all will choose where and with whom we spend eternity.  

Some people believe that they won't enter eternity when they die, but will re-enter this world to live out countless lifetimes until they grow and advance to the highest level of spiritual enlightenment ending in eternal bliss.  

Others don't believe in eternity at all, but think that they will cease to exist when they die, while still others believe everyone will go to some kind of eternal bliss or heaven regardless of how they live or what they believe.  

Then there are those who don't care to think about it one way or the other.

Jesus Christ did care, and he had some definite things to say about eternity.

He said that unless we are born again, we cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3), that is heaven, or live with him in his presence for eternity. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Jesus also said that if we die in our sins, unforgiven and without God living in our hearts, we will perish and exist eternally without God and with Satan and demonic spirits and all the others who died in their sins, and that is called Hell -- eternal torment.  Is that hard to imagine? There are precursors to hell right now in the world today, because Satan and demonic spirits are in the world today.

Jesus does not want anyone to perish, and he gave his life and blood on the cross so that anyone who believes in him will be forgiven their sins and assured of living eternally with God in heaven, not in Hell with Satan. 

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one can come to the Father except through me."

Jesus Christ loves us; he died for us.  God said, "I set before you this day life and death.  Choose life."

The final word on eternity is ours.



Character studies of Alfredo, the student/guardian angel.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Faith in Christ and the truths of the Bible give us not so much a combative power encounter over demonic spirits, but a truth encounter, giving us freedom from the power they once had over us.  That freedom is protected by the "armor of God" -- the presence of the Holy Spirit within us and our commitment to live rightly, that is, to live a holy life through faith in Christ.

We can, however, drop that armor or protection by the sinful ways we think and live -- aligning ourselves with the lies and deceptions of the Enemy -- allowing spirits to gain a hold on us to influence, interfere, and subtly control us, whether directly or through the influence of the demonically driven world around us.

God will fight every battle for us if we remain aligned with him through an active faith and committed life in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Posts on this site will become fewer and farther apart so that I can use my time developing and completing my graphic novel, "Restless Seminary."  There is much work yet to do on it, especially since I'm doing it all myself: writing, drawing, inking, coloring, and lettering, publishing and distributing.  

Thanks for checking out my site.  

I pray God will use what you've read and thought about to bless your life.